Doctoris Martini Luthers kurtz schlussrede von den gelöbten vnd geistlichen leben der klöster

Luther, Martin, 1483-1546

Summary: Luther's "Theses on Monasticisms" came about as a partial response to Melanchthon's essay in Loci Communes. Melanchthon revised this section of the Loci to take Luther's criticism into account. Luther's work was translated into German by at least three translators none of whom can be named with certainty.
Signatures: A4, B2; [A], B2 unsigned, B2b blank.
Imprint: from Benzing.
Illustrative and Decorative Content: Title within engraved, architectural, woodcut border.
Additional Details: This work is sometimes referred to as "Themata de votis." Luther's work was refuted by several Catholic scholars in the three years following its publication.

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