An den Durchleüchtigen Hochgepornen Fürsten vnd Herrn, Herrn Albrechten, Marggraffen zuo Brandenburg, inn Preussen [et]c. Hertzogen [et]c. Ein Sendbrief Doct. Mart. Luth. Wider ettliche Rottengeyster : Wittemberg, M.D.XXXII

Luther, Martin, 1483-1546

Summary: Luther's reply to a letter from Duke Albrecht of Brandenburg, concerning the interpretation of John VI with reference to the Lord's Supper.
Signatures: A-B⁴.
Imprint: Place of publication and name of printer from VD 16.
Illustrative and Decorative Content: Historiated initials.
Additional Details: Acquired through the generous subvention of Dean and Mrs. R. Kevin LaGree.

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