Philipps Melanchthons handtbuchlein wie man die kinder zu der geschrifft vnd lere halten soll. Wittenberg. M.D.XIX

Melanchthon, Philipp, 1497-1560

Summary: Melanchthon's "Handtbuchlein" is among the first attempts at a Protestant catechism. It is a collection of selections from scripture passages, prayers, and other text intended as instruction for students in German schools. Noteworthy are the "Seven Wise Saying" derived from Periander by Erasmus.
Signatures: A-B8, C10; [A] unsigned, B5 missigned "T5"; C10 blank.
Imprint: In VD16 with date "[1529]".
Illustrative and Decorative Content: Initials.
Additional Details: Shelved with a 2-page typed letter by H. Claus giving bibliographical details relating to this work.

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